Character Name: Tirryn
Class: Rogue
Current Level: 61
Planned Talent Spec for Level 70: Currently trying out a bleed build. Will switch to something else to try new talents out.
Primary Trade Skills: Engineering
Previous World of Warcraft Characters (Class and Levels):
60 Warrior on Lightning's Blade
59 Warlock on Lightning's Blade
67 Priest on Thorium Brotherhood
Some others not as advanced
Previous Raid Experience: Molten Core / Onyxia with the priest
I amm looking for mature, funny people who are will to work together to have a great time.
I have no BC end game experience but was a priest for MC / Onyxia. But I like end game because of the team work required to complete the end game challenges
I like RP but I am not too serious about it.
I have written a Mod for WoW called TrinketMaster. It can be downloaded at Curse Gaming. I wrote it for the fun of it and because I wanted something more streamlined when using trinkets.
I am applying because a friend of mine Bismark (great guy btw) has just joined you and recommended I join also.